Sept 24, 2012
An article in the September 24th issue of Forbes magazine quotes a study conducted by the House Transportation & Infrastructure committee of how screening conducted at Los Angeles airport compares with screening conducted at San Fransisco's airport. At the Los Angeles airport screening is conducted by the TSA. San Fransisco, however, is one of only 16 airports that employs a private contractor for screening passengers.
The study found that in San Fransisco screeners processed 65% more passengers per screener than Los Angeles. They use the same type of equipment and procedures as Los Angeles. At both airports screeners are payed the same and receive the same benefits. The turnover rate is also lower in San Fransisco.
The article goes on to quote Robert Poole of Reason Foundation who says that the TSA has inherent problems because it is self regulated and has a conflict of interest. He says this because the TSA is appointed to but not hired by the airports and therefore the TSA has no competition. Poole quoted a USA today study that found Los Angeles security to miss three times as many hidden bomb materials as San Fransisco. The Government Accountability Office, however, claims these studies to be flawed.
Poole recommends the TSA not be in charge of directly managing airport security but rather they should set standards that airport security must meet. He thinks that privately contracted security companies should need a TSA certification in order to run airport security. The article also claims the "The U.S. is violating policy set by the International Civil Aviation Organization, of which the U.S. is a member." in regards to the TSA managing airport security.
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